Monday, April 7, 2008


"We work hard in the air, we play hard on the ground!"
Airline Crew, there's a new place in town to play, drink and be merry!

From 1st May to 31st June 2008, airline crew receives free membership worth $59 at
Champz Billiards Bar!

A tall beer on the house, for all your hardwork serving at high altitudes!
Let your hair down, drink some and shoot some!
What's more, your membership comes with a $5 credit in your account at no charge.
Use the credit for $5 worth table playtime now! Please register and use your membership upon starting your table play.

Simply produce your staff pass / company identity card at our counter to reward yourself with Champz free membership.

Membership will last you a LIFETIME.

For enquiries, email to